1.4 The Good, the Bad, and the Incompetent
Yeah. So they went yeah. Can you believe that they did that? I can't believe they did
Rowan Collins:that to me. Oh my god.
Isaac Allen Burns:I know right. Oh.
Joe Diametti:The nerve.
Isaac Allen Burns:The nerve.
Rowan Collins:I can't believe that.
Isaac Allen Burns:My god. Welcome to this, an episode of DodoBorne. With me, your host, and your GM, Isaac Allen Burns, and your general, your chief of staff. That's me. To my left is my 3 star general of land warfare, Rowan Collins, playing pistachio.
Rowan Collins:Land warfare? What?
Isaac Allen Burns:And across from my land warfare general is my sea warfare general. Say hi, Joe D'Amati.
Joe Diametti:Attention!
Isaac Allen Burns:Playing Kapi. And then right next to Joe, we have, private first class, Annie Hawthorne playing Crank.
Annie Hawthorne:Bitchin'.
Isaac Allen Burns:Hell, yeah. And it's me, Isaac Allen Burns, he, him, your GM. Nice to meet all of you. Well, gang, let's let's get into this episode last time on DodoBorne. Our friends, our dodos, our heroes, our 3 adventurers, were at a bar after a long day of moving trash dealing with rats, where they met 2 young peacekeepers that had just gotten there a couple days ago.
Isaac Allen Burns:The peacekeepers asked for their help, and opinions in the party are mixed on these peacekeepers, I would say. Woah.
Rowan Collins:You have the hots for one of them.
Isaac Allen Burns:No. Choosing to help one of them, you made your way first to the library to pick up a book because a book came in for you, Crank, specifically for you, The librarian, aka your mom, aka Roseanne
Rowan Collins:See, mom.
Isaac Allen Burns:Got you a book, and you can't wait to read it later. I can just tell. Suddenly, however, chaos struck as suddenly the across the street at a bar, a bar fight clearly ensued, and a man, nay, a fawn, is thrown out. Or at least you didn't see this fawn get thrown out. You saw the aftermath of it, broken glass everywhere, and this fawn took off and ran.
Isaac Allen Burns:Very quickly, Kapi, you scooped up pistachio and took off running after this person and gave chase. That's right, you guys. We're gonna start a chase. Nice. That's right, everybody.
Isaac Allen Burns:Hi. It's me, your GM, Isaac Allen Burns. We haven't talked in
Isaac Allen Burns:a while. How are you?
Isaac Allen Burns:I'm doing pretty good. So a chase in Daggerheart is handled with something called a countdown. A countdown in Daggerheart is a specific kind of situation given in certain environments or perhaps tense conflicts that you think require a countdown. This could be a ritual that's about to take place. It could be the eve of a great war where 2 countries will go at it.
Isaac Allen Burns:It could be someone chasing another person down the street. The way that this works is that I, the GM, Isaac Allen Burns, have one dice that I have set as the pursuing dice, and I have another dice that I have set as the pursued. As our heroes are pursuing, they are the pursuer dice, which is a die of 6 set to 6. The pursued dice is a d 4 currently set to 1. That suggests how much of a lead our quarry has.
Isaac Allen Burns:As this begins, our group is going to be chasing after them. And on successful roles and successful events and perhaps clever plays, their dice will count down. Meanwhile, if our quarry fails a roll or has trouble doing something, their number will go up, also vice versa. So to start off, the 3 of you take off running. You start chasing this guy.
Isaac Allen Burns:This guy is quick on his feet. That's one thing you notice is that this old guy can hoof it, and he is hoofing it down the street. Kapi.
Rowan Collins:Mhmm.
Isaac Allen Burns:How do you approach this chase? As you are running after this guy, are you going to try and just take a direct straightforward approach, or are you gonna try to do something a little different? What's your plan here to try and catch this guy?
Joe Diametti:So I I don't exactly know the layout of the town, but I I know in my heart that Kapi wait. Where is the bakery in all of this? Like, I
Isaac Allen Burns:Kapi would Kapi has one track mind. Yeah. It is at that bakery. Okay. So here's what I'm gonna say.
Isaac Allen Burns:Would you say it would be better or worse if it's if you were closer to the bakery?
Joe Diametti:I would say it would it like, he's gonna wanna get Scarlett's attention. See, he's gonna want Scarlett to see him chasing.
Isaac Allen Burns:Okay. Well, bakery is closed today. We did establish, but I'm gonna roll a dice to see if Scarlet is in the Yeah. I mean, they're cleaning it. Right?
Annie Hawthorne:They
Isaac Allen Burns:are cleaning it. So I'm gonna roll this d twenty right now, and we're gonna see how high it rolls. That's a 16, which is pretty high. So I'm gonna say Kapi is watching this guy run, and you see that there's sort of, like, the road kinda splits. It could go off to a smaller road, or it can continue down the main street.
Isaac Allen Burns:Mhmm. And if they were to continue down the main road, he would cross by the bakery.
Joe Diametti:Mhmm.
Annie Hawthorne:But if
Isaac Allen Burns:he went down the short road, he would miss the bakery completely. And we're going to say, by the way that this starts, that you are we're gonna say close to far away from this guy, which means that you're between 30 to 60 feet from this guy. Is Kapi gonna try and do something to make him go down the main street?
Joe Diametti:I'm I'm telling you, Kapi is, without a doubt.
Isaac Allen Burns:Nice. What do you think Kapi would do in this situation to try and do that? What do you think, Joe?
Joe Diametti:I think because he already had grabbed pistachio Uh-huh. And is running, holding pistachio. Oh, no. I I'm gonna look I'm gonna hold pistachio, like, up under, like, my arm. Right?
Joe Diametti:And I'm gonna look at pistachio and say, lock the street. Go go do wait. Go go dodo. And then throw pistachio to hopefully turn into a dodo and get it comped in so that it has to run down the main street.
Isaac Allen Burns:Awesome. So we're gonna say make a strength check for me. Me. We are 4 episodes, 5, 6, 3, 2, 1 episodes, and we're already throwing each other. This is great.
Rowan Collins:Yeah.
Joe Diametti:We are my strength is a plus 0.
Isaac Allen Burns:This is gonna be great. Alright. What do we got?
Joe Diametti:So hat is a 5 with wait. With hope. Oh.
Isaac Allen Burns:It is a 5 with hope. So you throw pistachio. And, Kapi, it's just not as I I don't think you'd get as far as you were hoping. Pistachio, you kinda get chucked a little bit forward. You hit the ground a
Joe Diametti:little bit.
Rowan Collins:My butt.
Isaac Allen Burns:Pistachio, what are you gonna do as you just hit the ground?
Rowan Collins:Oh, gosh.
Rowan Collins:They, like, slightly lift up and, like, rub their butt because it hurts now. And they go, I've got something better. And they're going to use a a domain effect called, vicious entangle. So what it is is I get to make a spell casting role against a target within far range. On a success, roots and vines reach out from the ground and temporarily restrain them.
Isaac Allen Burns:Oh, okay. What is the role that
Rowan Collins:So I have to spell cast role, I guess, against
Isaac Allen Burns:Is there a difficulty?
Rowan Collins:Right?
Isaac Allen Burns:Typically for adversaries, adversaries are given a difficulty number that you are rolling against. That is both a number you need to beat for spells and also the number you need to beat to hit them.
Rowan Collins:Okay. I got a 9 with hope.
Isaac Allen Burns:You wanna hear something really great? Uh-huh. This guy's difficulty is an 8. Oh my god. So you do get this guy
Rowan Collins:Oh my god.
Isaac Allen Burns:Which is awesome because with hope, whenever you succeed at a role, it is going to decrease your countdown to get you closer. But if you fail or roll with fear, it decreases the quarry's number. But you rolled with hope, which is really good. So you entangled this guy.
Rowan Collins:It also deals damage.
Isaac Allen Burns:Oh, no.
Isaac Allen Burns:What does it look like?
Rowan Collins:What does it look like that? So these thorny vines shoot up from the ground and kinda, like, wrap around this guy's ankle. Hopefully, as he's, like, gaining momentum, so he just, like, flops kind of forward is what I'm saying.
Isaac Allen Burns:That's really good. Does it give him the restrained condition?
Rowan Collins:It does give him the restrained condition, and he does take 5 damage.
Isaac Allen Burns:Oh my god. So that'll be one point of HP. So, you know, as a GM, sometimes you have to decide in these moments if what just occurred fits within the fiction at which you need to do this anymore. And I'm gonna say that because it gives it the restrained condition that, he hits the ground, bust his chin, and is restrained, which means that his speed is 0, which means y'all quickly catch up to him and the chase is over. So, well, at least we learned about countdowns.
Isaac Allen Burns:Yay. So this guy hits the ground and crank. You watch pistachio get thrown onto the ground. Pistachio casts a spell, and you see that your quarry gets wrapped up and hits the ground. Crank, you're still running full tilt ahead.
Annie Hawthorne:Oh, yeah. I think Crank would have quickly calculated the most efficient route forward towards this guy and just taken off at a full sprint.
Isaac Allen Burns:Oh, yeah.
Annie Hawthorne:And I'll just, like, kinda put the brakes on when I see that happen. I'd be
Rowan Collins:like, sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk
Rowan Collins:sk sk sk sk
Rowan Collins:sk sk sk sk
Isaac Allen Burns:sk sk sk
Annie Hawthorne:sk to a stop and be like, oh, okay. Well, stop in the name of the law.
Isaac Allen Burns:Oh, he, yeah. You stop right in front of him and say that, and he kinda looks at a chill with blood going down his cheek. He says, you just kept I've got nothing wrong. I don't know nothing wrong. You can't arrest me.
Annie Hawthorne:Well, technically, I'm not an officer of the law, so I can't arrest you anyway. But you seem to be here unable to move. So Are
Isaac Allen Burns:you impersonating a peacekeeper?
Annie Hawthorne:I literally just told you I wasn't a police officer. So
Isaac Allen Burns:That's I think that's, like, illegal.
Annie Hawthorne:I don't think that that's impersonating. I think that's literally telling you that I'm not
Isaac Allen Burns:Unhand me. Unhand me right now.
Annie Hawthorne:My my hands aren't on you.
Isaac Allen Burns:Well, then hand me from these vines.
Annie Hawthorne:That's not my call. I do not make these vines.
Isaac Allen Burns:Speaking of which, the other two approach now. Kapi, as you walk up, you see that, the bakery is a block away. And who's out there washing the windows? That's garlic. Yeah.
Isaac Allen Burns:She's not looking it over there, but because she's currently washing windows.
Joe Diametti:He's he's gonna he first, he moves Crank and Pistachio just, like, out of the way so that it's only Tappy in the light of sight. He pumps out his chastity.
Annie Hawthorne:Yeah. What's your strength again?
Joe Diametti:My strength? Hang on.
Rowan Collins:Pistachio is, like, limping to the scene. My strength
Joe Diametti:is plus 0.
Annie Hawthorne:I don't think I moved. Yeah. I don't think you can physically move me.
Rowan Collins:Oh, man.
Isaac Allen Burns:You you
Isaac Allen Burns:try and push crank. You just kinda push yourself a little later. Right. Craig, can you
Joe Diametti:okay. What? What? Wait.
Isaac Allen Burns:Take a step.
Joe Diametti:Unhand me. Please.
Isaac Allen Burns:Jeez. I had me right now.
Annie Hawthorne:Take a step away.
Joe Diametti:And he yeah. And he, like, looks back to see if she's looking. Does she see she doesn't hear any of this?
Isaac Allen Burns:I'm gonna roll. I'm gonna find out. Let's find out. Here we go. I'm rolling a dice.
Isaac Allen Burns:Okay. Okay. It is enough that after the yeah you that you yell out, she turns and looks at you for a moment and kind of is like looks concerned and looks down at the guy and just looks kinda worried, but sees you and kinda, like, waves a little bit.
Joe Diametti:Yeah. He stops and waves back. He's like, hi. Yeah. Anne, stay down.
Joe Diametti:How dare you make trouble in this town during the Apple Festival the most important time in this town's year?
Isaac Allen Burns:Oh my god. Okay. I want some kinda, like, persuasion or, like, actually performance. How much bravado do you think you're putting into this?
Joe Diametti:I mean, I do have plus 1 presence. It's
Isaac Allen Burns:pretty good. I mean,
Joe Diametti:it's a lot.
Isaac Allen Burns:Go ahead and He's trying
Joe Diametti:too hard.
Isaac Allen Burns:Yeah. You you're trying really hard, but, you know, go ahead and roll it with advantage. Go ahead and roll presence check with advantage.
Joe Diametti:With advantage?
Isaac Allen Burns:Yes. And so for those at home, hi. It's me, your GM. It's a Colin Burns. It's so good to get to talk to you like this.
Isaac Allen Burns:Advantage and disadvantage might be familiar to some people, but in Daggerheart, the what you are going to do is you're gonna go ahead and roll your 2 d 12 as normal. However, you will also add a d 6 to that role.
Joe Diametti:K. Alright. D 12, 14, and It's really good. 5 on the d 6.
Isaac Allen Burns:Oh my god.
Joe Diametti:Do I still say with fear?
Isaac Allen Burns:With hope or fear. Yes.
Joe Diametti:Okay. So so it's a 19 with fear.
Isaac Allen Burns:So that is definitely a success, and so what you see is Scarlett is looking over at you, and she's watching you do this. And her response is she smiles and chuckles a little bit. And I'm gonna say, she kinda laughs in that way. That's tough to tell if she's laughing at you or with you, but she still laughs nevertheless.
Rowan Collins:Oh, like, you have to toss me Kapi. Oh.
Isaac Allen Burns:I thought you were gonna turn into a dodo midair.
Annie Hawthorne:I Dodos can't fly.
Rowan Collins:Dodos can't fly.
Isaac Allen Burns:Also, because you're old with fear, the guy throws up on your shoes. That's my GM move, is that he beeps on your shoes.
Joe Diametti:Yeah. And then I, I assume Scarlet saw that. And Yeah. Kapi doesn't feel good that she saw that. Now, Kapi wishes that she wasn't looking anymore.
Isaac Allen Burns:But she still laughs. It's, like, kinda lingering looking at you when he goes back to Washington.
Rowan Collins:See, Craig, the reason I know that Kapi really likes Scarlet is because he always acts, acts, like, a little bit weird whenever he, like, sees her.
Annie Hawthorne:I've noticed that. It's so odd.
Rowan Collins:Yeah. Because normally, he's really, really good at learning. I mean, did you see him flirt with your mom? I did.
Annie Hawthorne:That was really Wait a
Joe Diametti:minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Joe Diametti:Wait a minute. Wait. Wait.
Rowan Collins:Oh, sorry.
Joe Diametti:I'm I'm kicking my shoes to get, like, the throw up off. Yeah. And at the same time, I can't believe I'm talking to a fun that drinks milk out of a silly straw and a robot that thinks the librarian is their mother.
Annie Hawthorne:Well, she told me that she would be.
Joe Diametti:And I love it. I do. I and that's hard.
Rowan Collins:Call people that isn't your mom mommy?
Isaac Allen Burns:Oh my god.
Joe Diametti:Speaking of, where is speaking of, where is Efony?
Isaac Allen Burns:Where is Efony? Speaking of mommy, Efony runs up.
Annie Hawthorne:Speaking of mommy.
Isaac Allen Burns:Efony runs up and gets down on one knee and, like, kinda puts his hands behind his back and says and reads out, stay on the ground. Don't move and no one gets hurt. Say whatever you want. It will be held against you, but you can keep saying it if you want, and then cuffs him. She looks up at the 3 of you and says, oh my goodness.
Isaac Allen Burns:Thank you so much for catching this guy. Oh my gosh.
Annie Hawthorne:What even happened?
Isaac Allen Burns:Well, I talked to the owner of that establishment. This guy wandered in drunk and thought he was in a bar and was arguing with people to give him a drink. And when they wouldn't give him a drink because they weren't a bar, he shoved someone, and then an unrelated fight broke out because of the spark of violence. And then he got thrown out a window, and now the owner's really mad at him.
Annie Hawthorne:You see, Kapi? All people need is a little food and maybe drink sometimes.
Rowan Collins:Do I recognize this fawn?
Isaac Allen Burns:You don't, pistachio. You don't recognize this guy?
Rowan Collins:So I'm pretty sure that, this guy isn't from here. I know every single person in this town, and I'm pretty sure this guy is not from here.
Isaac Allen Burns:There's only one of you that recognizes this guy. Frank, this is the same guy that spoke to you a week ago in the library.
Annie Hawthorne:Oh, it was Sebastian, wasn't it? Your face was covered with mud, so I couldn't recognize you.
Isaac Allen Burns:I was a .....
Annie Hawthorne:What happened between last week and today to make you angry? Did you not have any food?
Isaac Allen Burns:I just need a drink. I saw I needed a drink.
Annie Hawthorne:So people like drinks too.
Isaac Allen Burns:I do like drinks.
Annie Hawthorne:Well, you could have said that. I would have brought you drinks.
Isaac Allen Burns:Will you bring me a drink right now? And Nephew kinda smacks him around a bit and says, look, I need to get this guy's statement, but the can can I ask you a favor? Can we go does the guild have, like, an office or somewhere where we can talk to this guy?
Rowan Collins:Yeah. Kapi lives there.
Joe Diametti:Well, I mean, yeah. You know, they put me up. They they need to keep me close by in case something bad goes, on. I'll give you a tour some time. Yeah.
Joe Diametti:We can take them there.
Isaac Allen Burns:Okay. Good. I just I need to get this guy's statement and just figure out what happened. But the interrogation room at the barracks is currently being used as storage, so we don't actually have an interrogation room at the peacekeepers HQ here. And anyways, it's not important.
Isaac Allen Burns:Lead the way, she says.
Joe Diametti:Yeah. And, he, is Scarlet still looking?
Isaac Allen Burns:You see that Scarlet is, like, washing windows, but still kinda, like, peeking over at you every so often.
Joe Diametti:Yeah. He, like, peeks back as he walks the other direction to go back towards the Avengers' Guild.
Isaac Allen Burns:Whenever you're looking back, she's washing the window. And whenever she looks at you, you're watching the leg. Your eyes don't meet yet. But nevertheless, you go back to the adventuring guild, and as you step inside, you see Cyrus. Cyrus, once again, for those who don't remember, Cyrus is the sort of the head of the Bracken Road Adventuring Guild.
Isaac Allen Burns:He's a big red simia. Imagine, like, Donkey Kong, but red fur. He's got these, like, suspenders on some black slacks and a white t shirt that's kinda stained. He's a little more sober today. So he kinda sees the 4 of you walk in, and he shoots a look at you, Kapi, and says, kid, what are you doing bringing the, peacekeepers around here?
Joe Diametti:What happened here? There was a domestic dispute outside of a building.
Rowan Collins:She's pretty. Kapi likes her.
Joe Diametti:Stachio? Hush now. Okay. Not in front of the kids.
Isaac Allen Burns:You see Nephew blushes? I
Rowan Collins:Pistachio winks at you and gives you double pistols, like, a big old wingman.
Joe Diametti:Yes. Okay. Yeah. So, you know, they needed a place to bring the criminal until we can get things to settle down. Take a quick statement.
Joe Diametti:I don't think it should probably take more than and he looks at nothing. 5th
Isaac Allen Burns:angel. Well, I gotta yeah. Maybe just, like, 30 minutes to an hour.
Joe Diametti:It's, like, 30 minutes to an hour, Cyrus. So Okay.
Isaac Allen Burns:Well, kid, you can probably use the break room. Just, you know, go gentle. And if you need any tips on how to interrogate somebody, let me know.
Joe Diametti:Yes, sir.
Isaac Allen Burns:Stephanie looks at the 2 of you. It says, I don't know if interrogation is anyways, let's show me to the break room, please.
Joe Diametti:Yeah. Absolutely. Kapi is, like, cracking his knuckles in his neck as he walks in.
Isaac Allen Burns:Yeah. So this is, this is the room. There's, the chair, and there's the table.
Rowan Collins:And there's where we keep our lunches, and there's where we put our jackets, and there's where I brought some nice flowers from the garden. And there is the box of pastries that Craig breaks every morning. And there is a piece of toast that somebody's half eaten, and there's a half drink bottle of rye whiskey that's probably Cyrus. And then they just keep Now
Isaac Allen Burns:what else is in there, Festacchio? What
Isaac Allen Burns:else is in the room?
Rowan Collins:And that's an anthill that somehow caught here, and that's a weird stain on the floor that makes me think it's blood. And that one's probably apple juice, and that is mold, I think, they need to get caught. Okay.
Isaac Allen Burns:Nice to meet you. You see you see the 4 of you, are on one side of the table. You see, Nephew has sort of put this guy, this old fawn into a chair. His hands are behind his back cuffed, and she is sort of standing with all of you in a corner and says, okay. I need to get a statement from this guy, but, Pistachio, I overheard you saying you don't recognize this guy, so he's from out of town?
Rowan Collins:He is totally from out of town.
Annie Hawthorne:He's,
Rowan Collins:one of the local fuds.
Isaac Allen Burns:Okay. I have a very important question for the 3 of you.
Rowan Collins:Okay.
Isaac Allen Burns:Has anyone ever interrogated anymore before? We should probably ask you some questions about the tier.
Joe Diametti:Specialize in interrogation. Do you really? Yes. Okay. Kapi's lying.
Joe Diametti:But she really wants to impress.
Isaac Allen Burns:And she really wants to believe that. So she's like, okay. Well, I'll let all of you take lead. I'll just write down what he says. Just, like, ask him, you know, why he's in town, why he caused a ruckus, see what you can get out of him.
Isaac Allen Burns:But, yeah, if you could just if this if the 3 of you do that, I'll write notes.
Joe Diametti:Yeah. Perfect. K. Hey, gang, quick huddle
Rowan Collins:Yeah.
Joe Diametti:Just so we have a game plan.
Rowan Collins:Yes.
Joe Diametti:Yeah. He points to Efony. Is it Efony?
Isaac Allen Burns:It's Nepony. Nepony.
Joe Diametti:He points to Nepony. One one second. Can we just huddle really quick? Yes. We all huddle, and the camera's, like, inside pointing up at all of our heads.
Joe Diametti:Okay. So I need, no matter how this goes, for you to make it look like I'm really good at this. Okay? Okay. Crank?
Isaac Allen Burns:My god.
Annie Hawthorne:Okay. I'll do my best.
Joe Diametti:Perfect. So here's what I'm thinking. Right? We do a good cop, incompetent cop, and bad cop situation. Okay?
Rowan Collins:Okay. I'll be the bad cop.
Isaac Allen Burns:Well
Rowan Collins:I've always wanted to be a
Annie Hawthorne:bad cop. Good cop, but that makes Kapi the incompetent cop.
Joe Diametti:Wait. I well,
Joe Diametti:regroup, gang. Focus. I think that we should,
Rowan Collins:Oh, you wanna be the good cop.
Joe Diametti:Well, I I
Rowan Collins:And Crank's the incompetent cop, so I'd still get to be the bad cop. What time is it? Oh, it's almost 10.
Isaac Allen Burns:It's actually really late in the day, you guys. Yeah. It's actually late at night.
Rowan Collins:I told you it'd get a little weird.
Joe Diametti:Yeah. So who wants to go first?
Rowan Collins:So are we cool with the I
Joe Diametti:what do you want me who wants to go first to interrogate? Do you want me to go first?
Annie Hawthorne:I'll go first. Okay. And I'm just gonna pull up a chair. K. I'm gonna put it down across from him.
Annie Hawthorne:I'm gonna sit down
Joe Diametti:Sit in it backwards.
Annie Hawthorne:Like a teacher.
Annie Hawthorne:Sure. Sure. Yeah. I'll put it across from him backwards, and I'll just straddle it. Sebastian, I need you to help me help you.
Isaac Allen Burns:I need a lawyer.
Annie Hawthorne:I don't think we have any lawyers in this town, unfortunately. You don't
Isaac Allen Burns:have a you don't have a
Isaac Allen Burns:you don't have defense lawyers in this town?
Rowan Collins:We don't have any sort of law practice.
Rowan Collins:Oh, dear. Yeah. Sorry.
Isaac Allen Burns:I always do this.
Annie Hawthorne:Law and order isn't really a thing we do.
Isaac Allen Burns:These backwards towns. Look.
Annie Hawthorne:Why don't you just tell us what happened? You know, if you tell the truth, everything will be fine.
Isaac Allen Burns:Well, you know
Isaac Allen Burns:remind me your name again.
Annie Hawthorne:Oh, my name is Crank. You don't remember my name? We we spoke at length. I thought we were
Isaac Allen Burns:friends.
Isaac Allen Burns:Sorry. I remember. I remember. I was it was not the best conversation on my end is what I remember. I remember shaking my foot in my mouth a few times.
Isaac Allen Burns:You don't need anything. So you wouldn't understand what I'm about to say to you, clams, is that I needed I was I was having a I was on a run. I was having a good time. I needed a little walk me down. And so I went into a bar, and I asked to top me off with some of that Bracken Cider.
Isaac Allen Burns:And the man had the audacity to look at me and say, this isn't a bar. This is a bank.
Annie Hawthorne:Well, Sebastian, it wasn't a bar.
Isaac Allen Burns:No. It was clearly a bar called The Bank. I went in. There were there was a row. There was a there was a bar in front.
Isaac Allen Burns:There were people behind it. They had the safety glass so that people don't sneeze on the drinks. There are people in line waiting for drinks. There are multiple bartenders.
Rowan Collins:You really shouldn't drink the liquid from that. Please tell me he didn't drink the liquid from that.
Joe Diametti:Kapi slams in on the table. Listen. What's your name, Sebastian?
Isaac Allen Burns:That's my name. Yes. Sebastian. Yeah. This is my vest.
Isaac Allen Burns:It's a nice vest. Sebastian,
Joe Diametti:I'm gonna be frank with you. I don't wanna draw this out. The robot that you're friends with is a monster literally designed to kill. This whole I bring you baked goods really only works until you get on its bad side. Now, Sebastian Okay.
Joe Diametti:I want to help you. Help me help you help crank to help you. I don't know if I'm talking. Question. Okay.
Joe Diametti:Why are you in our town? We haven't seen you.
Isaac Allen Burns:Well, I am here for some business. I see. I'm here for the Apple Festival. The Apple Festival is happening in a few days. You're here for
Joe Diametti:the Apple Apple Festival.
Isaac Allen Burns:Yeah. I just got here
Isaac Allen Burns:a little,
Joe Diametti:How convenient. What's your favorite apple?
Isaac Allen Burns:Cracking apples. So he says
Joe Diametti:So spend a hope to take advantage on a role you make to deceive or trick someone into the wait. Hang on. Check. Oh. Hang on.
Joe Diametti:I know I have a move about trying to persuade bad guys. Oh. Rogue's Hope. Nope. Mm-mm.
Isaac Allen Burns:Kapi's gone real strong, and then Kapi
Joe Diametti:is, like, a scoundrel. You have advantage on any roles where you're negotiating with criminals, detecting lies, or finding a safe place to hide. Oh. So I would like to use my slyborn community feature, scoundrel, to detect a lie. Oh,
Isaac Allen Burns:that's really good. Go ahead and make that role as with advantage.
Joe Diametti:Right. So would the role be presence?
Isaac Allen Burns:I'm gonna say this is probably instinct.
Joe Diametti:Instinct?
Isaac Allen Burns:Yeah. Because you're trying to, like, instinctually tell. Think about, like, insight and all. Is this kinda like a vibe check?
Joe Diametti:Oh, yeah. It says perceive right here under instinct. Yeah. That's why you're our GM as a Colin Burn.
Isaac Allen Burns:That's right.
Joe Diametti:My instincts are plus 0.
Isaac Allen Burns:K. Here we go. With advantage.
Joe Diametti:Oh, that's right. With advantage. So that's, 23 with hope.
Isaac Allen Burns:Holy 23 with oh my god. That's so high. That's such a high number. Can't be clearly the way that this guy said those things, you can immediately tell that it's a lie. I think, though, that as you're looking at this guy, you're trying to suss out intentions.
Isaac Allen Burns:You're trying to suss out, what's this guy after? And there's something that you recognize pretty quickly. Obviously, he's not here for the Apple Festival. He's definitely here for a different reason. Something you pick up on, though, Kapi, is that you have spent many years around someone who we can all confidently say has a bit of alcoholism.
Isaac Allen Burns:Cyrus definitely has a problem. You've seen Cyrus.
Joe Diametti:Mhmm.
Isaac Allen Burns:Means you've seen someone, a high functioning alcoholic. This guy is faking it.
Joe Diametti:Wait a minute. And Kapi gets, like, inches in his face away from his nose. Like, they're touching noses. Oh my. Oh, dear.
Joe Diametti:Why did you puke on my shoes
Isaac Allen Burns:if you weren't actually drunk?
Joe Diametti:I'm very well, I'm I'm Kapi flips the table.
Rowan Collins:Woah. Oh, they're he's very good at being competent.
Isaac Allen Burns:Stephanie says, oh, oh my.
Joe Diametti:I'm cool. I'm cool. This guy is faking it. He's not drunk.
Isaac Allen Burns:No. I'm very drunk, can't you tell?
Rowan Collins:I'll take care of him, boss, and pistachio will step up and say, you have 30 seconds to tell us what you want, or I'm gonna get weird.
Isaac Allen Burns:What does that mean?
Annie Hawthorne:What does that mean? Wanna see some weird. I don't? You don't.
Rowan Collins:They blink, and they blink again. And they blink one more time, and then they lower their head.
Isaac Allen Burns:Okay.
Rowan Collins:And as they do, they start to beast form, and one eyeball pops out. 2 eyeballs pop out. A long beak pops out as multiple wings pop out and multiple legs pop out as we have a dodo spider.
Annie Hawthorne:Oh, I told
Rowan Collins:you. Open their mouth, and they just go
Annie Hawthorne:I did warn you.
Joe Diametti:Kapi holds Nephenny in case
Joe Diametti:she she's scared.
Rowan Collins:And they just, like, start crawling really weirdly toward this.
Isaac Allen Burns:Guy. He, his eyes go wide. He says, okay. Okay. Okay.
Isaac Allen Burns:Okay. Stop it. Get that thing away from me. Get that thing. I'll tell get that thing away from me.
Isaac Allen Burns:Look. Oh my god. Get it away from me. Get get it away.
Rowan Collins:And they emit instantly pop out and go, I told you.
Isaac Allen Burns:What the by the circles below. What was that?
Rowan Collins:I get your ass warm.
Isaac Allen Burns:Oh, that was right in my ear. Yeah. If you flicks my ear, I don't like that. Okay. Okay.
Isaac Allen Burns:You got me. You got me. Okay. You're right. I'm not really drunk.
Joe Diametti:So what are you doing? What is this, the charade? I just wanted to have a fun time. Just realized that this is a distraction, like, as he was asking. And I picture that if you are watching this in a scene, you would see that realization come over his face as he was asking.
Joe Diametti:Guys, he wants us to be here. This is a setup.
Rowan Collins:Why is he really into
Joe Diametti:He turns back to, Nephew, you need to get to your other peacekeepers now. Something's going on.
Isaac Allen Burns:You see, Nephew looks at you. Her eyes go wide. And she says, what do you what do you mean? What's going on? You think something's afoot?
Joe Diametti:Do I
Joe Diametti:think some he just he's clearly faking being drunk, which means he clearly faked the altercation, which means he wanted all of this to happen, which means while you, the peacekeeper, and us are here dealing with him, something is happening out there.
Rowan Collins:We need to get the logging camp.
Joe Diametti:We need to check the bakery and then the logging. The bakery is a staple of this Crank, don't look at me like that. The bakery is a staple of this town, and if it is not okay, then the Apple Festival is not okay. I'm trying to protect this town's legacy.
Annie Hawthorne:Well, if we're protecting this town's legacy, then we also need to check-in the library.
Rowan Collins:Lady, a ticket to the logging camp. That's what she was supposed to be working on.
Joe Diametti:I'm sorry. I don't remember there being a library or logging camp festival in a week. We need to check on the Apple Bakery.
Isaac Allen Burns:Okay. I left Nathaniel at the I'm gonna go check on him, and then we'll go to the headquarters. And she runs off, and the guy, in the chair stands up. The cuffs, like, fall to the ground, and he says, yes. You're right.
Isaac Allen Burns:And I'm leaving. And he throws a smoke bomb on the ground, and it
Rowan Collins:Can I try and tackle him?
Isaac Allen Burns:Yeah. Make a, let's say, agility check for me.
Annie Hawthorne:Oh
Rowan Collins:god. That is not their expertise. It is a 17 with fear.
Isaac Allen Burns:Oh, a 17 with fear. Okay. So that means I get so that will succeed. A 17 will succeed. To be clear, the difficulty, it was much higher this time because as Kapi astutely found out, this guy was acting.
Isaac Allen Burns:So you tackle this guy, pistachio, and as you do so, you hit the ground, and you've got him. You've got him held. And he whispers, bad move, kid.
Rowan Collins:Uh oh
Isaac Allen Burns:That's great.
Rowan Collins:I know.
Isaac Allen Burns:Does a 9 beat your evasion?
Rowan Collins:Your pistachio is a little little guy. I will use
Annie Hawthorne:I am your shield to take whatever damage the pistachio is supposed to take.
Isaac Allen Burns:A quick question for you, though.
Rowan Collins:Yeah.
Isaac Allen Burns:Do you have to see
Annie Hawthorne:It just says when an ally very close to you is going to take damage.
Rowan Collins:Okay. Yeah. Oh, wow.
Annie Hawthorne:And as I do it, I'm just gonna look in Sebastian's eyes, and I'm gonna say, I'm very disappointed in you.
Isaac Allen Burns:You can see this guy's eyes, and you recognize they are much more lucid than you saw them earlier today. In fact, I would also tell you that they're much more lucid than when you talked to him in the library as you feel a dagger stab into your arm for 16 damage.
Annie Hawthorne:I'll reduce that by 5 because I'm a guardian, because that's 11, which is major damage. I'll use an armor slot to mark it down to minor.
Joe Diametti:Kapi is a rogue. Yeah. So just generally, I think, good at hiding and being in the shadows. And I think Kapi is standing back watching this happen. I I picture that when Pistachio dove, he actually initially tried to stop Pistachio, and Pistachio just went right through.
Joe Diametti:So now that all of this has transpired, he just he looks at Pistachio, and he looks at Crank, and he just wants them out of this situation. So he, like, pulls them off. I wanna try I know my strength is plus 0, but I would like to try to pull them off and actually let this guy get away. Oh, okay. Because I have a bad vibe on what's going on.
Joe Diametti:I'm also Kapi has a lot of things going on. He wants to check the bakery. He doesn't want the adventurers guild to get destroyed because Cyrus is gonna be pissed, and he low key wants to protect these 2.
Rowan Collins:He cares.
Joe Diametti:You can't prove it.
Isaac Allen Burns:So, yeah, go ahead. Give me a strength check to try and pull them away.
Joe Diametti:Okay. My strength is plus 0.
Isaac Allen Burns:Here we go. Big moment.
Joe Diametti:Come on, baby. It's a 19 with fear.
Isaac Allen Burns:IT with fear.
Rowan Collins:That's a huge.
Isaac Allen Burns:That will I'm gonna say that is definitely high enough that Crank and Pistachio, you feel Kapi's hands?
Joe Diametti:I imagine I use the leverage from Crank healing or taking the blow from Pistachio to, like Mhmm. Pull pull them away.
Rowan Collins:Kapi, what are you doing? Hey.
Joe Diametti:He doesn't say anything.
Rowan Collins:Kapi, let me
Joe Diametti:He just looks right at, Sebastian.
Rowan Collins:This guy's gonna get away. Kapi, what are you doing?
Isaac Allen Burns:You see, because you rolled with fear, as you pull them away, this guy has very fast reflexes. And so as as you pull this guy away, he clearly is very trained and had eyes on the exits. And he knows the same thing you know, which is that there are 2 exits to this room. There's the window, and then there's the hallway. Now problem with the hallway is that there's a big dude out there, and the window is probably easily breakable.
Isaac Allen Burns:So you see that this guy, in one hand, you can barely make out a long knife that Cabbie, you might not really recognize just how bad this thing is, but speaking of vibes, you can tell that thing. This is not just like a shiv. Mhmm. This is a nice knife. He pulls something out of his pocket and throws it at the window.
Isaac Allen Burns:The window shatters, and he jumps out the window, and is gone.
Rowan Collins:Is Kapi still holding on to Pistachio?
Joe Diametti:He is. And and Crank.
Rowan Collins:Pistachio's, like, trying to kick like, puh puh. Kapi, let me go. That guy's getting away.
Joe Diametti:Pistachio, we'll get him next time.
Rowan Collins:But he's going down.
Joe Diametti:Crank, talk to your best friend.
Annie Hawthorne:Crank with Pistachio, he tried to stab you. We'll we'll get him later.
Joe Diametti:Crank or Pistachio, listen to me. Okay? I know that you're brave, and I know you wanna be strong. But Crank is not always gonna be here to take your damage.
Isaac Allen Burns:You gotta be more careful.
Rowan Collins:What?
Joe Diametti:And he turns around and walks back out the door.
Isaac Allen Burns:You walk back out, and, you see Cyrus is standing there. He's got, Cyrus hasn't walked a lot. Cyrus has a bit of a limp, and so he's got, like, a cane in one hand. He's sort of leaning on it as he's standing in the middle of the room and looks at Jill and says, everybody okay, kid?
Joe Diametti:Yeah. Everyone's okay.
Rowan Collins:Pistachio looks at Crank. How is Crank doing?
Annie Hawthorne:I'm fine. I just have 1 HP.
Joe Diametti:Woah.
Rowan Collins:You have 1 HP?
Annie Hawthorne:I just No. I took 1.
Joe Diametti:Oh, no.
Isaac Allen Burns:I thought you looked at No.
Annie Hawthorne:No. I've got 5. I'm good. Crank, so
Isaac Allen Burns:you looked down at your arm. You looked down at your arm, and where that knife struck you, you are made of metal. And so nothing else really happened, but you're seeing this black sticky substance on your arm where that struck.
Annie Hawthorne:Does it look like magic?
Isaac Allen Burns:It no. It does not look magical, unfortunately.
Annie Hawthorne:I just examine it, and I, like, flip through all my archive of magic books. And I'm like, not magic.
Isaac Allen Burns:Oh, make a knowledge check for me.
Rowan Collins:Can I also look at Crank's arm? Because I think it's poison.
Isaac Allen Burns:Yeah. But I think pistachio would be concerned
Annie Hawthorne:about that. A crit double ones.
Isaac Allen Burns:Oh. Well, pistachio, you don't even have to worry about it because, Crank, you actually read a book on poisons. And that's a crit. That's really good. Okay.
Isaac Allen Burns:You're looking at this poison, and this is a poison that is not for killing. It's for restraining. This is a paralytic. So you know that if a person who, you know, had not metal for skin had come into contact with this, there's a strong chance for it to lock up their joints so that they cannot move. You know, it's not often used by assassins is the one thing that you do know.
Isaac Allen Burns:It is often used by, for those in espionage to try and get away from things, to try and freeze up people. It's also used sometimes by law enforcement, but it was made illegal about 5 years ago to use it.
Rowan Collins:Craig, are you okay? Thanks for saving me.
Annie Hawthorne:Oh, yes. I'm fine. I think it would have been much worse if you had gotten stabbed by that knife.
Rowan Collins:Oh, what is it?
Annie Hawthorne:So it's some kind of a poison. You know? In one of my magic books, there was a small chapter on poison, and I think that this poison is meant to disable people.
Rowan Collins:That's poison knife? They look after Kapi and then look at you and go. And, like, there's, like, this dawning realization that they almost really got messed up. And you almost see, like, them shrink into themselves as the realization that this could have been real bad. And they just go quiet.
Annie Hawthorne:I think Crank recognizes that and just, like, pats you on the shoulder and says, you know, as long as I'm here, I'll protect you.
Rowan Collins:Thank you, Crank.
Joe Diametti:Kapi is just, like, a little ways away watching this.
Isaac Allen Burns:Mhmm.
Joe Diametti:And that's all. He's just watching it. Just watching.
Rowan Collins:Frank, I'm sorry for putting you into danger, but I'm glad you're my best friend.
Annie Hawthorne:I don't think it's you who put me into danger, miss Tasha. I think I was just made to be in danger.
Rowan Collins:You like being made for danger?
Annie Hawthorne:I don't know. I've never known anything else.
Rowan Collins:Maybe one day, Crank, you and I can go on a hike and I'll show you the farm animals and all of the other things that life has when you're not in danger.
Annie Hawthorne:I would like that, pistachio. Thank you.
Rowan Collins:Guess we should go check on Kapi and bakery and stuff.
Annie Hawthorne:Yeah. We really need to figure out what's going on.
Isaac Allen Burns:So the 3 of you leave, you're venturing guilds. As you step out on the streets, where do you go?
Joe Diametti:What do you do? In what order are the things that are important? Well, so I assume the log cabin or the cabin what is it?
Isaac Allen Burns:The, logging camp up north.
Joe Diametti:I assume the logging camp is the farthest away. Mhmm. And then in what order, if you're leaving the adventures guild, are the library and then bakery?
Isaac Allen Burns:That's a great question, actually.
Rowan Collins:I think, we established in the first, one that the library is really close.
Isaac Allen Burns:Usually, like, the library
Joe Diametti:is next door. So okay. So if it's the Adventurers Guild, you walk out. I picture you take a right. There's the library on your right hand side.
Joe Diametti:Across the street from that is the building where that kerfuffle happened.
Rowan Collins:The bank.
Joe Diametti:Down the street from there, a lot of good ways further is the bakery on the left.
Isaac Allen Burns:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. For the cryptographers at home.
Joe Diametti:I don't know why this
Isaac Allen Burns:is important. This is very
Isaac Allen Burns:well, this is good.
Isaac Allen Burns:This is good. Now we're establishing the map.
Joe Diametti:Okay. Frank, let's go check on your mom, and then let's check on the bakery. Then we'll go make sure that Nefanie's okay, then we'll go check on the logging cam. Sound good?
Rowan Collins:Yeah.
Joe Diametti:Keep your eyes out. Something's not right here.
Rowan Collins:I'm gonna be a dodo. Okay?
Joe Diametti:Why?
Rowan Collins:Aw. I'm scared.
Joe Diametti:Kid, look, I'm I'm sorry. Okay? I didn't I I don't
Isaac Allen Burns:people, how do you communicate the,
Joe Diametti:I just didn't want anything to happen to you. Okay?
Rowan Collins:Wait. Really?
Isaac Allen Burns:Yeah. I don't alright. And you're very brave. You took
Joe Diametti:you did way more damage to that eel gator a week ago than I did. Alright? I don't think that you can't handle yourself. I just
Rowan Collins:You didn't want me to get hurt?
Joe Diametti:No.
Rowan Collins:Do you care about me, Kapi?
Joe Diametti:I listen, kid, and he, you know, chips you on the chin and then gets up. Why don't you just stay pistachio? That's how I like you best, and then keeps walking.
Rowan Collins:Pistachio leap and goes up to crate and goes, Kapi said he likes me.
Annie Hawthorne:Wait. He likes you?
Rowan Collins:He likes me. No. Like likes me likes me. I mean, he's not flirting in the Netherlands.
Annie Hawthorne:With him. He tends to like like everyone.
Rowan Collins:Well, he hasn't tried to flirt with me yet, and I'm kind of okay with that. He's not really my type. He's a lot of people's type. Like, I'm kind of worried to introduce him to my mom.
Isaac Allen Burns:Oh my goodness. Speaking of Almond, you head over to the bakery. You see Scarlett is not outside washing the window right now.
Joe Diametti:Does the bakery seem to be okay and in one piece?
Isaac Allen Burns:Yeah. Bakery's okay.
Joe Diametti:Okay. Alright. You guys just hang here real quick. Okay? And Kapi's gonna go around the building, and there's probably a secret not a secret, but, like, a ladder up to the roof where probably him and Scarlet would hang out a long time ago.
Joe Diametti:It's just gonna go up there and just, like, make sure that everything's good. I assume in the bakery, there's, like, a glass window thing Mhmm. Like, from Hey Arnold. I don't know. That's not a picture in, like, the sunroof or sunroof or
Rowan Collins:sunroof yourself again.
Joe Diametti:I know. Right? I know. No.
Isaac Allen Burns:I know what
Isaac Allen Burns:you're talking about. It's like a skylight.
Joe Diametti:A skylight. Yeah. So I it's a good way for him to just make sure that everything's fine from the inside too. Yeah. So yeah.
Isaac Allen Burns:To date ourselves less, it's like the entrance to, the second palace in Persona 5. Am I right? That's right, Matarabe. Let's go. Sorry.
Isaac Allen Burns:That's
Rowan Collins:probably Kapi. I didn't
Isaac Allen Burns:So you go out there, Kapi, and you look around. Sure enough, you know, it's one of those classic roofs. And, yeah, it's, it looks actually, give me a give me a give me a roll to look around, which we'll say is is I'm really making Kapi roll a bunch today. I'm so sorry.
Joe Diametti:God's presence?
Isaac Allen Burns:We'll say No. We'll say instinct. Yeah. Make an instinct roll as you're up.
Joe Diametti:My instincts plus 0.
Isaac Allen Burns:Oh, here we go. This is awesome.
Joe Diametti:That is a 10 with fear.
Isaac Allen Burns:10 with fear. Okay. I'm gonna bank that fear. No GM fear. K.
Isaac Allen Burns:But a 10 is high enough to notice that there is nothing really amiss. But one thing that you do notice, Kapi, is that while you're up here, that obviously, it's outside. So there's a lot of dirt up on the roof, and there's a spot on the roof that you and Scarlett would always sit. And as you look over there, you notice that the sort of dirt and grime that's up here makes it look like someone still comes up here consistently, but it looks like only one person is ever up here.
Joe Diametti:Yeah. I think Kapi just looks around for a second. At least feels better that everything's okay Yeah. For now. And, yeah, probably takes a moment to remember stuff, and then quickly shakes it off and, arms back down.
Isaac Allen Burns:As you get down to the bottom of the stairs, you see Carol is waiting for you and says
Joe Diametti:Oh, fuck. Carol, you gotta wear a bell or something. Excuse me? Sorry, Carol. It's it's been
Isaac Allen Burns:a day. Up on the roof.
Joe Diametti:I was checking on this bakery. What were you doing right here?
Isaac Allen Burns:We heard footsteps on the roof. Okay. We thought someone was trying to break in.
Joe Diametti:Yes. I am official adventures guild. He points to the a on his jacket.
Isaac Allen Burns:There was adventuring business up there. Right?
Joe Diametti:Needed to check on there's a lot. Okay, Carol. Can we just okay? Okay. Okay.
Isaac Allen Burns:Alright.
Joe Diametti:Alright.
Isaac Allen Burns:Bye.
Joe Diametti:Bye. Kisses. Ugh.
Rowan Collins:Yeah, Craig. So I think Wally is really good friends with Scarlet. So maybe if I, like, talk to him, I could find out ways that, like, Kapi and Scarlet might be able to get together. Maybe that's what I could do as a thank you for a liking bee. Sounds like a good plan.
Rowan Collins:Yeah.
Joe Diametti:What are we talking about?
Rowan Collins:Oh, hi, Kapi.
Joe Diametti:Hi. Alright. What's next?
Annie Hawthorne:They need to go check on my mom.
Rowan Collins:Uh-oh. Yeah. We kinda went past the library to come here. So, yeah. We should come back to the library.
Joe Diametti:Yeah. It was important that we would come here first.
Isaac Allen Burns:Of course.
Rowan Collins:Yeah.
Rowan Collins:Of course. That makes sense.
Isaac Allen Burns:You run back to the library and, I
Annie Hawthorne:just opened the door and put my head in. Mom, are you okay?
Isaac Allen Burns:Oh, yes, dear. Is everything alright? I heard there was a kerfuffle out there
Isaac Allen Burns:an hour ago you ran off to. Is everyone okay?
Annie Hawthorne:There was a kerfuffle. There might be some espionage. Just stay inside and stay safe, and then I'll deck my head out and close the door.
Isaac Allen Burns:Oh, it must be so
Isaac Allen Burns:fun being an adventurer. Espionage.
Isaac Allen Burns:She thinks that's adorable as you step back out out of the street.
Annie Hawthorne:Mom's okay.
Rowan Collins:Okay. Cool. Since the log camp is on the way, my house is also, like, slightly to the north. I guess we should just, like, peep it and make sure everything is cooked there. I don't think they'd go to a nut farm.
Rowan Collins:It's the apple festival. So, like but, you know, just a case.
Joe Diametti:Is your mom there?
Rowan Collins:My dad might be home.
Annie Hawthorne:Mhmm. Mhmm.
Joe Diametti:And your mom?
Rowan Collins:Mhmm.
Rowan Collins:Cathy, you're not gonna meet my mom.
Rowan Collins:Okay.
Annie Hawthorne:Well, you could meet their dad. Maybe
Rowan Collins:you could
Annie Hawthorne:meet their dad.
Rowan Collins:Dad. He does like criminals.
Joe Diametti:I'm not a criminal. I'm a member of the Adventurers' Guild.
Rowan Collins:Yeah. Right.
Isaac Allen Burns:Alright. Let's go check on Pistachio's family. You go towards the droop farm. And as you head on over, you cross through the boundaries of town through one of the gates, and you walk up the dirt road, and there's someone running towards y'all from the farm. Pistachio, you see that it's Hazel.
Isaac Allen Burns:Hazel is running towards you all.
Rowan Collins:Oh, hey, Hazel.
Isaac Allen Burns:She's waving her arms at you Oh, hi. Over her head. As she runs closer and closer, she's like, pistachio.
Rowan Collins:Oh, hey, Hazel. How are you doing?
Isaac Allen Burns:We need help.
Joe Diametti:We need
Isaac Allen Burns:to get to the farm.
Rowan Collins:Oh, gosh.
Isaac Allen Burns:Well, try to take on. Thank the 9. You're all here. Oh. There's something attack in the farm.
Rowan Collins:Oh, gosh. Really?
Isaac Allen Burns:It's big, and it's like a bug, and it's vomiting acid everywhere. Oh, that
Annie Hawthorne:was no. That's an acid burrow.
Rowan Collins:Oh, gosh. Oh, man.
Isaac Allen Burns:Trying to save it off. Can you do do you have weapons or something? Could you stop it?
Rowan Collins:Yeah. I yeah. We could stop it. Yes, Hazel. We could do it.
Rowan Collins:You have pitchforks on the barn?
Isaac Allen Burns:I don't know.
Rowan Collins:Oh, well We
Isaac Allen Burns:don't have pitchforks. We we do nuts.
Rowan Collins:Oh, yeah. That's true. That's that's true. That was, yeah. I should know what we have.
Rowan Collins:Sorry.
Isaac Allen Burns:It's actually we're wasting precious time.
Rowan Collins:I'm sorry, Hazel. Wait. Go.
Isaac Allen Burns:You run off towards the farm. And as you do so, that is where we're gonna end this episode of DodoBorne. Tune in next time when we find out what's gonna happen at Pistachio's House. Thank you so much again for listening to this podcast. Hey, everybody.
Isaac Allen Burns:It's me, your GM, and now I'm no longer your GM now. I'm just a guy talking to you from the great beyond, from the ether. And, you know, we've done about 5 episodes of this by now, maybe 5 or 6, and it's been a lot of fun. But I did just wanna stop and say thank you so much for the support that we've seen so far. Firstly, we'd like to thank Darrington Press for creating this game.
Isaac Allen Burns:We've had a lot of fun. Me, personally, I come from a lot of 5th edition, and there's a lot I really love about Dagger Hunter. I'm really glad they made this game. I'm really excited to see where it goes. We wanna send a special thanks to Gojemode and to Joe's wife for creating the DodoBorne theme song.
Isaac Allen Burns:Yeah. That's right. That was actually sung by someone we know. Isn't that crazy? Isn't that awesome?
Rowan Collins:That's right. Joe's wife.
Isaac Allen Burns:That's right. Joe's wife, Joe's better half.
Joe Diametti:It's a bop.
Isaac Allen Burns:It's a bop. Finally, we thank Rowan Collins for the incredible art that you can find on our socials. That's right. And artiste. They're so good.
Isaac Allen Burns:Finally, there are a couple of people who are fans of the show. There's a couple of people who have, really been shouting us out. We wanna thank Perseverance on Tik Tok. Wanna thank Josh m 9058 on YouTube. Yeah.
Isaac Allen Burns:I wanna thank Debbie Joshi on YouTube. Thank you all so much for the support. It's so exciting to know people really love what we're putting out there. It's very validating. And, also, if you're listening to this and if you've, you've made it this far, we just wanna thank you all so much for listening.
Isaac Allen Burns:we just wanna please ask. We wanna beg. We we are on our hands and knees looking up, begging you. If you don't mind, you can just rate and review the podcast 5 stars on your podcaster of choice. That would do a lot.
Isaac Allen Burns:That would really help us out. We'd so appreciate it. Like, comment, subscribe, hit that bell. Hit that like button. Hit the hit the share button.
Isaac Allen Burns:Hit the repost.
Isaac Allen Burns:Are
Isaac Allen Burns:there any I'm missing?
Joe Diametti:Yeah. Oh, okay. Well Hit the outro music.
Isaac Allen Burns:Hit the outro music. Hey. It's a podcast.