1.7 the Dreams of Adventurers

Isaac Allen Burns:

It was a whole thing. I tell you, my Saturday was crazy, you guys. Wait. What's this? We're recording.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Hey. Hey. It's a podcast, everybody. Thank you for coming to my DodoBorne Talk. In this discussion, we'll be going over what the people are gonna do in our adventure.

Isaac Allen Burns:

And who are these people, you ask? Well, sitting 45 degrees clockwise is, Rowan Collins.

Rowan Collins:

Squawk in a 45 degree angle.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Next to them, approximately a 35 degrees is Joe Diametti. Squawk squared. Oh, and then tangentially related to the circle is Annie Hawthorne.

Annie Hawthorne:

Squawk to the power of

Isaac Allen Burns:

squawk? Squawk. Oh, no. It's squaw ception. Wow, my little doggos.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Why don't we start at the best place to start, which is at the beginning? Except we can't because we've been in a couple episodes. We're not gonna start at the very beginning, but we are gonna start. Now for those, to recap last time on Dodo born pod, as our players arrived, or should I say as our heroes arrived, in the midst of a crisis, that crisis was big, as tall as a horse, and as mean as a bug, and that bug was an acid burrower, and was currently haranguing the droop family. Bringing it down and crushing it under a barrage of blows from fists and vines, they were able to subdue the beast, but not before poor Wally was, bukkake ed by some acid that set him down pretty badly.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Meanwhile, the party brought the wounded individuals inside the house tending to their wounds. The priest came by with poor Hazel Droop who saw the state of the family rather hurt, by everything that had happened. Pistachio and Hazel had a tough convo, a bit of a heart to heart, that left both of them a little upset. Nevertheless, as Hazel went out to tend the fields, now the party decided that it was time to perhaps take a rest, take a sleep. It was late after all, and past 10:00.

Isaac Allen Burns:

And as they bedded down into a sleepover, all of them in the same room, Kapi noticeably not going over to, see Pistachio's mother, as the three of you are down, you've all gone to sleep, or in Cranks case, deactivated. You all have a dream. In this dream, the three of you are once again fighting this acid burrower, except it's a little taller, it's a little meaner, and standing in front of it, Kapi, you are looking at this, you have a soft of rope in your hands. And Kapi, as you look at this thing, there's something terrifying about it. What does Kapi see, Joe, that terrifies himself?

Joe Diametti:

I think Kapi sees the acid burrower's face, kind of furrow its brow and morph into into Cyrus's face. And I think it starts scolding him for never being able to get it together.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Oh, familiar verbal blows strike against you, Kapi, as you your arms are fruitlessly trying to swing this softer rope around to tie up the now simile like bug legs. Again and again, you hear the same words Cyrus has always said, get it together, kid. You're not gonna amount like this, kid. You're never gonna leave this town like this, kid. Continually attacking.

Isaac Allen Burns:

The three of you, this dream, this is dream logic. We're in a dream. We're floating. We're ephemeral. We're ethereal right now.

Isaac Allen Burns:

You see a tree grow up before you out of the back of Cyrus. It's an apple tree. You see fruit blossom, and an apple falls from the ground and rolls away. It rolls away, and it starts to decay, and it starts to fall into pieces, and a seed hits the ground, and it digs deeper into the ground, and then it germinates, and it becomes a tree again, And the cycle repeats itself, and you see this apple tree do this again and again. The three of you are now on a beach.

Isaac Allen Burns:

You're walking across the beach, and as you look back, you see there are four sets of footprints. And as you look to your right, you see the acid burrower's back with Cyrus' face walking along the beach, and you all look at each other for a moment. A scene in the sky, you see in the stars of the beachy sky is another scene. You see a man standing there. The man is looking at you, Crank, and you see that to the left of the man is a wolf with horns, and to the right of the man is a wolf with a halo.

Isaac Allen Burns:

And the man is looking at you with a piece of meat, and the man looks somewhat familiar. Crank, who's in front of you right now? Who's looking at you? I think it's myself. Crank, you are looking at yourself, and Crank is holding the meat.

Isaac Allen Burns:

And it's clear that this Crank doesn't know who to feed. What do you do, Crank?

Annie Hawthorne:

I just, like, stare up at myself.

Isaac Allen Burns:


Annie Hawthorne:

And I think myself in the sky, my eyes turn red while it's looking down at me. And it slowly says, why did you leave me? And it turns into

Isaac Allen Burns:

Adrian? Oh, Adrian Toulouse?

Annie Hawthorne:

Yes. It turns into my old mentor, and it just keeps repeating, like, with the eyes red. Why did you leave me? Why did you leave me? And then it throws the mate to the one with

Isaac Allen Burns:

the horns. Throws meat to the one with the horns. The halo wolf reveals its teeth. It has really sharp teeth. It was actually the bad wolf.

Isaac Allen Burns:

It leaps forward and tries to grab the meat, and the one with the horns grabs it too. And next thing you know, they've dropped the meat and they're kissing. The wolves are gay now. You see it Wow. A new scene.

Isaac Allen Burns:

There's a blackberry bush. Thorns grow out of the blackberries, and then out of the blackberries grow thorns again. And then the thorns become another bush and become blackberries and become thorns again. And it just goes like a fractal of blackberries and thorns. Pistachio, you find yourself standing next to these fractal berries, and you see that directly in front of you is a nut plant.

Isaac Allen Burns:

And Hazel is standing there, and she's looking at you, and she's holding, what looks like a little machete, and she hands you the machete. What do you do?

Rowan Collins:

I feel like she hands me the machete, and, it because she touched it and her hand had also touched the plant, my hand erupts into a rash as I try and cut down the mutt nut plant and the blackberry plant, and they, like, twine itself all around my arm, and pistachio screams as they look, like, covered in twines and also rash.

Isaac Allen Burns:

You'd be good to get rashy. Your dream self doesn't feel any of this, but you feel as though you're sinking into the ground. You see your skin bubbling up with hives and rashes, not too dissimilar from the fractal blackberries as Hazel simply watches as you sink deeper and deeper and looks at you with eyes that suggest many emotions. You stand on the beach once again, and you look back, and you see that on the beach that sometimes there are actually three pairs of footprints. As you look up at the sky, the moments where it was three sets of footprints instead of four sets of footprints correspond to the scariest parts of your dream, nightmares, if you will.

Isaac Allen Burns:

And as you look over at the acid borrower, who has the face of Cyrus, you feel a voice kind of ringing that says, acid borrower, Cyrus, why is it that we've walked with you for so long on this beach? And yet, in the moments at which we needed you most, in the saddest, most nightmarish parts of our sky time, of our sky dream, you seem to have left us. I don't understand. And the Cyrus Asabroer looks down on you and opens his mouth to respond, and you hear, and then the three of you wake up.

Rowan Collins:

Oh, god. Oh. Oh.

Annie Hawthorne:

I just set up, built upright, and I'm like, I saw I saw things. I was somewhere else. What happened? What was that?

Rowan Collins:

Oh, you saw athletes?

Annie Hawthorne:

I saw things. Like like, I was there, but I I don't I was was I here the whole time?

Rowan Collins:

What did you I

Annie Hawthorne:

don't understand what's happening.

Rowan Collins:

Was it electric sheep?

Annie Hawthorne:

I I didn't see any sheep of any kind.

Rowan Collins:

Oh, I just I

Annie Hawthorne:

saw images. I saw myself in the sky and I

Rowan Collins:

Well, I was it a dream?

Annie Hawthorne:

What what's a dream? I don't know. I don't think we're about to dream.

Rowan Collins:

Do you

Annie Hawthorne:

think that was magic?

Isaac Allen Burns:

I think

Annie Hawthorne:

that magic has taken a hold of me and I can only do it subconsciously in my sleep?

Rowan Collins:

That is a good theory. I don't know.

Annie Hawthorne:

I get up and I I run down the stairs.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Before you can even get outside, you run to the door, and you try the handle, and the handle turns into a snake and falls to the ground. You look over, there's a top spinning on top of Kapi. You realize you're still in the dream. You look outside, there's a golden light that is flickering somewhere deep in the forest, deep in the woods. You see a golden path that lights the way as flickers of starlight seem to shine from within it.

Isaac Allen Burns:

You see a vision of a man standing in the middle of a large temple on a rounded dais, a green robe covering most of its features and holding a gleaming glittering staff encrusted with jades. It speaks with authority, and the people listen. You see these figures who stand there and suddenly disappear one by one. The temple crumbles to ash, but yet you still see it, that dais, and it seems to beckon to you. And as it seems to beckon, suddenly there's an eruption from the ground, and the three of you wake up again.

Rowan Collins:

Oh. Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh.

Annie Hawthorne:

I don't think I like this.

Rowan Collins:

Wait. Hold on. Hold on. Pistachio will, like, pinch themself real quick.

Isaac Allen Burns:

It hurts.

Rowan Collins:

Ow. Okay. All right. Okay. I think we're awake.

Rowan Collins:

I think we're good. Wait. Wait. Maybe, maybe I'm wrong. I'm gonna try and pinch Kathy.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Ah, what? Okay.

Rowan Collins:

Okay. All right. I don't think I can pitch you Craig.

Annie Hawthorne:

That was terrifying. Craig? I I've never had a dream before. Is that what they feel like all the time? That's that feels terrible.

Rowan Collins:

No. I think that was nightmare.

Joe Diametti:

Listen. We all had a rough day yesterday.

Rowan Collins:

What did you dream about? Did you dream about like, I dreamed about, like, a bunch of things, like an asinboroer and my sister, like, giving me a knife. There was an acid burrower that looked like Cyrus, and he told you that you were a disappointment, and that's not real.

Annie Hawthorne:

Yeah, actually,

Joe Diametti:

I need to go.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Oh, oh.

Joe Diametti:

And, Kapi leaves and tries to grab his jacket from downstairs, which is hopefully fixed, and make his way into town.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Yeah. You go downstairs. The jacket is fixed. You see Pistachio's mom, in, like, a robe has fully fallen asleep at the table.

Joe Diametti:

Yeah. I actually don't do anything except grab the jacket and leave.

Isaac Allen Burns:

You leave you leave out the front door. Oh.

Annie Hawthorne:

Oh. I'm just, like, moving my hat back and forth to see if I can hear anything clattering and if anything is loose. I think I need to see a machinist.

Rowan Collins:

Yeah. I didn't think that, a that clicks could have dreams.

Annie Hawthorne:

I I've never had a dream before. That's I think something might be wrong.

Rowan Collins:

Well, you know, there's not really a machinist in the town, I don't think. We've got the guy that fixized our tractor, but,

Annie Hawthorne:

I really wish I hadn't lost the owner's manual.

Rowan Collins:

We should go get Kathy, I think. Maybe-

Annie Hawthorne:

Do you think Kathy's okay?

Rowan Collins:

Well, if we find him hitting all my mob, the answer is yes. If he's not, the answer is no.

Annie Hawthorne:

What do we do if he's not okay?

Rowan Collins:

Bring him an apple fritter?

Annie Hawthorne:

Oh, he does like apple fritters, that's true.

Rowan Collins:

Yeah, yeah, we'll bring him an apple fritter and maybe, maybe we'll see if we can get Tarlet to say hi to him again.

Annie Hawthorne:

That sounds like a good idea.

Rowan Collins:

Oh gosh, okay.

Annie Hawthorne:

I guess we should go.

Rowan Collins:

Yeah, here, sometimes when I have bad dreams, I like to carry around and Pistachio will go into their, like, closet and bring out like a little stuffed rabbit that's about like yay big. And it's got a little like sword in its hand and it's got like, little glasses and it, Pistachio will go in there and like pull the rabbit out and then pull out a little hat for it to like give it like a matching wizard's hat. And Pistachio will go, Well, so sometimes when I have really bad dreams, my mom gave this to me when I was younger. Senor flip flop will guard you from any other bad dreams. All you have to do is when you're going to sleep again or I don't know how cranks really sleep, you just imagine Senor flip flop there and he will guard you for the rest of your nightmare.

Annie Hawthorne:

Well, thank you, Pistachio. I will I will do that.

Joe Diametti:

You made that more adorable. Like every I was like, oh, it can't get more adorable. And then it kept getting

Isaac Allen Burns:

Senor flip flop.

Rowan Collins:

Senor flip flop. Senor flip flop. Alright.

Annie Hawthorne:

I'll just carry around Senor flip flop. I imagine that he's like I I closed my hand and his ears poke out.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Yep. He's got some cold in some ears. The two of you leave, and as you do so, your eyes look off into the fields, the droop nut fields, and you see sort of in the distance having made a lot of progress in the morning's harvest is Hazel still hoeing down those fields.

Rowan Collins:


Isaac Allen Burns:

Further It

Rowan Collins:

was so good on those droopy nuts. She's very

Annie Hawthorne:

good at hoeing.

Rowan Collins:

She is. She's the best hoeer in the entire family.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Kathy, you run out earlier and you also noticed the same thing. Something that catches Kathy's eye though is a little past Hazel, closer to the forest. You swear you can see a glitter of starlight there, But it's only for a moment, and then you blink and it seems to be gone. Mhmm. Kathy, where are you going?

Isaac Allen Burns:

What are you doing?

Joe Diametti:

I'm going to the adventures guild.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Kathy goes to the adventuring guild. You know that you probably do need to check-in. Anyways, it is the morning to see the jobs, and you beeline straight there. Do you stop anywhere else on your way in?

Joe Diametti:

No. I pass the bakery.

Isaac Allen Burns:

You pass the bakery. You pass the bakery. You head to the adventures guild. You step on in, and you see that Cyrus is actually there. Surprisingly, Cyrus is actually awake.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Not only is he awake, he's actually doing something. You see in the back corner that he, has the phone in his hand. He's currently talking to somebody. As you come in, he kinda nods to you, and then goes back to listening to the person on the other side. What does Kapi do?

Joe Diametti:

I I imagine that Kapi came in pretty hot. And then he, like, pounds through the door and he's like, all right, old man, let's do, and he sees that he's on the phone and kind of that, discipline kicks in and he's, like, kinda just quiets down and he's waiting for him to get off the

Isaac Allen Burns:

phone. Cyrus, kinda nods to you and says, yeah. Mhmm. Yeah. I'll let you know.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Mayor's call at the end of the day, but, yeah, just be a threat. Alright. Alright. Alright. Good talking to you, Michelle.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Alright. Bye. And he closes the door. He turns over, kinda rubs his eyes, and says, morning, kid.

Joe Diametti:

Was that the capital?

Isaac Allen Burns:

Yep. That was the capital calling about some business.

Joe Diametti:


Isaac Allen Burns:


Joe Diametti:

Curious if you are aware of anything going on in this town.

Isaac Allen Burns:

You see that his mouth is flat and his eyes are kind of looking at you in that kind of expectant way. Like, Cyrus has a very good poker face in that he doesn't really emote very well. But when you can tell that his gears are turning, he gets the same kind of look, and he says, depends on what you mean.

Joe Diametti:

Depends on what I okay. And, Kapi starts, like, pacing back and forth. He's, like, scratching his hair. He doesn't really know how to go about this conversation, and it feels like there's probably five conversations he's trying to have at one time. Yeah.

Joe Diametti:

Alright. Old man, just just in the last twenty four hours, there's been Enforcer scum show up. There's been a break in of the town. There's been, some guy that tried to poison us in this adventure's guild. You were there for some of that.

Joe Diametti:

There's been an acid burrower by the way, there are no acid burrows in Bracken Road trying to destroy a farm. We fought it. It sprayed acid on it. There's another stranger who's importing illegal medicines into the area that nobody seems to have seen before. The priest is wigging out.

Joe Diametti:

I have a huge list of people that I suspect, and I'm just curious how the manager, secretary, owner of this building of the Adventurers Guild doesn't seem to be filling us in on anything. Also, why have I been here eight years and am not past a rookie? But mainly the other stuff. Fuck. Okay.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Well, for starters, we have a broken window in the building. So that's been the first thing I noticed.

Joe Diametti:

A broken window?

Isaac Allen Burns:

Yeah. In the office break room. Kid. There's a lot of people who come through the guilt. They're all trying to do something.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Some of them wanna protect something important to them. Some of them just wanna challenge themselves and get stronger.

Joe Diametti:

And I'm just another person?

Isaac Allen Burns:

Kapi, I don't know what you're here for.

Isaac Allen Burns:

If I were to give you a recommendation today, I'm not fully convinced you'd just still stay in town doing the same thing you've been doing.

Isaac Allen Burns:

What do you wanna do, Kapi?

Joe Diametti:

I don't I don't I don't know. I don't how am I supposed to know? I, I know I don't want to be bad.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Bad. What does bad mean to you, Kapi? Doing bad things?

Joe Diametti:

Stealing? Lying? Murdering? Murdering.

Isaac Allen Burns:

It's a tough world out there, Kapi. Not everything is good and bad. Yeah. But the reason you're still here, I think, because you don't have a goal. You don't have a purpose.

Isaac Allen Burns:

You don't really know what you wanna do. You came in all curious about the building. You staked this place out for a good week before you broke in and tried to steal stuff. That took planning. That took foresight.

Isaac Allen Burns:

That took having a goal.

Isaac Allen Burns:

I don't know quite what happened, Kathy,

Isaac Allen Burns:

but I just don't see that in you.

Joe Diametti:


Isaac Allen Burns:

But to answer some of your other questions, got a guy coming to fix the broken window in the break room, which as far as I understand happened because you let a perp get away.

Joe Diametti:

Are you kidding me? The only reason it was a distraction, Cyrus. You were at the war. I know you know about this stuff. Why are you not helping?

Isaac Allen Burns:

He kinda limps out from behind the bar. She's still holding that cane. Kid, my fighting days are mostly done. I tend to the front here. We have adventurers for this.

Joe Diametti:

Right. Well, there's something going on in this town. I'm going to figure out what it is. You know, you talk a lot about me not having any goals left in me. I haven't seen any goal from you that didn't live in the bottom of a bottle.

Joe Diametti:

And he's gonna turn around and leave.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Kapi leaves. Cyrus stands there and watches you go. And as the doors close behind you, you hear the telephone ring. We cut back to the Droop family farm. Pistachio and Crank, you are walking away from the farm.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Where are you going? What are you doing?

Rowan Collins:

Well, we didn't see Kathy there. So I think Pistachio is gonna be like, we gotta go to the bakery. But I think as we leave towards the bakery, there's two things on Pistachio's mind. One, they look over at Hazel and then like try not to make eye contact as they're leaving. And the other thing is, they go, I can't believe that my mom falls asleep like that.

Rowan Collins:

There's people in the house. Hello, there's people in the house. Please cover up. Oh my God, I swear.

Annie Hawthorne:

I mean, she was in a robe.

Rowan Collins:

She was in her robe.

Annie Hawthorne:

It's her house.

Rowan Collins:

Her shoulders were out.

Annie Hawthorne:

That's her house. I feel like she should be entitled to comfort.

Rowan Collins:

That's so scandalous. I have one thing that shows my shoulders. One thing, Crake. And that's only if I go on a really, really nice date and I really, really, really want them to pay for it. But that hasn't happened yet.

Annie Hawthorne:

Do you think I should cover my shoulder?

Rowan Collins:

No. Craig, your shoulders are fine, but, like, I mean, if you did want a sweater, I could happily make you a sweater, but I feel like you wouldn't be able to, like, get your hatch open then, and that's not useful.

Annie Hawthorne:

Yeah, that's just important, yeah.

Rowan Collins:

I guess I could make you like a mini one where it, like, just covers your Technically,

Annie Hawthorne:

I'm not wearing any clothes. Do you think that I should wear clothes?

Rowan Collins:

Oh, oh, that is a point.

Isaac Allen Burns:

No. Speaking of covering, you find yourself passing by the bakery.

Rowan Collins:

Oh, let's check-in there for Kathy. We go in.

Isaac Allen Burns:

You go in. The first thing you notice is that Kathy is not here.

Rowan Collins:

I look for Scarlett.

Isaac Allen Burns:

You see Scarlett is behind the counter. So she's, like, kinda working on something on the back wall. Looks like working on some food. Is it

Annie Hawthorne:

busy in here?

Rowan Collins:


Isaac Allen Burns:

Y'all, there's really not too many people in here. You do see Carol, you know, an older fawn woman who is behind the counter who sort of gives you all the nod. What can I get for the two of you?

Rowan Collins:

Oh, hi, Carol. It's nice to see you. I like your earrings today. They really match your sweaters.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Oh, well, thank you, darling. That's so kind.

Rowan Collins:

You are my favorite barista slash baker slash person here, and I will take two how many apple fritters do you want?

Annie Hawthorne:

You know, I normally just get them in the back.

Rowan Collins:


Annie Hawthorne:

know, I I don't I don't eat, so and I I missed my morning errands, so I can't really.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Carol interrupts and says, oh, you're the one who typically comes by and takes those, are you?

Annie Hawthorne:

Yeah. I I give them to people. These people like food.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Oh, do you still want it? We still got it.

Annie Hawthorne:

Oh, you still have some? Yeah. Yeah. I'll take one.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Okay. Yeah. You see that she looks over, to Scarlet, and Scarlet kinda nods and walks into the back. And no role necessary. Both of you notice something.

Isaac Allen Burns:

And what you notice is that as Scarlet kind of walks past, she doesn't look over towards all of you, but she gives a little sniffle, and you can tell by the side profile of her face that her eyes are a little puffy red. She goes to the back.

Annie Hawthorne:

I'll meet you back here.

Rowan Collins:

Okay. The crate you bite me, and Pistachio will take out, like, a handkerchief and goes, offer her this. Oh, okay.

Annie Hawthorne:

This isn't food, but okay.

Rowan Collins:

Sometimes people like cloth instead of food. People are so complicated.

Annie Hawthorne:

And I just walk out the front door and I go around back.

Isaac Allen Burns:

You go around back, and sure enough, you see the back door kinda opens and Scarlet is holding a bag out to you. She just hands it to you wordlessly.

Annie Hawthorne:

Thank you, Scarlet. Are you okay? Yeah. Just Asher said you might like this and hand her the handkerchief.

Isaac Allen Burns:

She takes a handkerchief and just breaks down sobbing, really loudly.

Annie Hawthorne:

Oh, okay. I'm not I'm not prepared for this level of emotion.

Isaac Allen Burns:

She's like blowing her nose really loudly onto the handkerchief.

Annie Hawthorne:

I just, like, tap her lightly on the back of my massive hand.

Isaac Allen Burns:


Annie Hawthorne:

and I say, bear, there.

Isaac Allen Burns:

It's just not fair. I've worked so hard. How can they do that? Wait.

Rowan Collins:

What happened? The statue will try to, like, finish up and, like, head

Annie Hawthorne:

it over.

Rowan Collins:

Oh my gosh. Scarlet, are

Isaac Allen Burns:

you okay?

Annie Hawthorne:

I don't think she's okay, Pistachio. I don't I don't think she likes the cloth.

Rowan Collins:

Oh. Oh, no.

Isaac Allen Burns:

She blows her nose again really loud.

Rowan Collins:

Oh. Oh. Oh, Scarlet. Oh. Oh, can I help you?

Rowan Collins:

Where does it hurt? What what happens? I

Isaac Allen Burns:

No. It's okay. It's just give me a second. She sort of steals herself. And I'm sorry.

Isaac Allen Burns:

I'm sorry. Just it's been I just it's been a hard day.

Rowan Collins:

What happened? Well,

Isaac Allen Burns:

I I'm not really supposed to talk about it. Can you promise me not to tell anyone what I tell you?

Rowan Collins:

Pistachio puts both hands on either side of her shoulders and looks her directly in the eye and goes, Scarlet, I have never been more serious in my entire life. Ever tell a soul.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Okay. I I just wanna reiterate something. This also I you can't tell Kathy. Okay? Oh.

Isaac Allen Burns:

I know you work with Kathy, but you can't tell Yeah.

Rowan Collins:

Kathy's my boss.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Oh, okay. Well, my father came by today. Uh-huh. And he typically never comes by other than, to hear the quarterly reports and earnings. Uh-huh.

Isaac Allen Burns:

And it was early this time. So I asked him what he was here for, and he called me to the back. And he told me he's gonna marry me off.

Rowan Collins:


Isaac Allen Burns:

I'm getting married off to one of the of the Balthazar family. What? You know Balthazar Edgar Balthazar, the viscount of this area? What? Oh.

Isaac Allen Burns:

What is apparently his his oldest nephew?

Rowan Collins:

What? Why?

Isaac Allen Burns:

I don't he didn't explain. He said that I have been a good asset at this building and that I've been highly I've been highly profitable here and that I've loaned through expected earnings, but he said that I had better potential. I just he's a lot of business words.

Joe Diametti:

And it just essentially got laid off, but yeah, into arranged marriage.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Into an arranged marriage.

Rowan Collins:

But, Scarlet, that doesn't make any sense. As a No.

Isaac Allen Burns:

It doesn't.

Rowan Collins:

You're, like, the best, like, shop owner ever. I thought, like, what about your dream to own your own Apple business?

Isaac Allen Burns:

I wanted to take I was

Isaac Allen Burns:

gonna take this really far. I have I have a great idea. And now they're telling me they're gonna just after the Apple Festival, I am to be sent off to the Balthazar Manor for a wedding.

Annie Hawthorne:

So Why don't you just say I don't?

Isaac Allen Burns:

I can't. I can't. He's gonna just take away the business either way. He's Maybe

Annie Hawthorne:

you should open your own business.

Isaac Allen Burns:

I'd I would have to run away from my I would start with nothing. You know the sacrifices that I had to do to even be here?

Rowan Collins:

Yeah. Like, did your dad make you swear sign that, like, no dating until you have, like, a billion dollars of profits?

Isaac Allen Burns:

Yeah. It was a billion and 500, but yeah. I had to I had to I've lost something very important to me, and now I'm losing another very important thing to me. And it just doesn't seem fair.

Rowan Collins:

What what

Annie Hawthorne:

was the first important thing?

Isaac Allen Burns:

I I she starts sweeping again.

Rowan Collins:

Oh, Scarlet. Oh, it's okay. I promise. Get it all out. I promise it's okay.

Isaac Allen Burns:

I was probably so mean. I was more mean to him than I should have been. I'm did so many know things? I just couldn't do it. I couldn't I had to to make my choice.

Rowan Collins:

What? Who were you mean to?

Joe Diametti:

Cut to Kapi. Cut to door slams open and inside the bakery. Listen here, Carol.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Gabby, what are you

Joe Diametti:

You think I don't know so something's up? What are you Do you think I don't know you're involved? Gabby Carol, I swear, I know we've had our difference. If you mess up the Apple Festival for Scarlett listen. Weird stuff's going on in the town.

Joe Diametti:

Don't think I didn't notice you being weird.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Gabby, I swear I didn't find out Carol? Till today. You did so you so you do know? Well, yeah. We all found out sort of at the same time.

Isaac Allen Burns:


Joe Diametti:

if you don't tell me right now what's going on, I swear I will I will take this jacket off.

Isaac Allen Burns:

I'm oh, if if you know what I know, then you know that I can't tell you what it is that I think you know. But I think know what I know that you know that I think that you think that I know,

Joe Diametti:

then I am not going to put I have too much riding on this Carol. The town is in danger. The Apple Festival is in danger. Scarlet is probably in danger because of the other stuff that Carol okay, Carol?

Isaac Allen Burns:

Just can we just This is really Okay. Listen. This is really strong language for what I think that you think I think you know.

Joe Diametti:

Well, I don't know that it's you think

Isaac Allen Burns:

that I think what I think you think I know. Kapi, let's be plain. Alright? You're upset. I can understand that.

Joe Diametti:

No, Carol. I'm trying to get to the bottom of the mystery that is tearing this pot town apart. What mystery? Oh, here. Yeah.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Right. This is how the way the world works, Kapi. These things happen.

Joe Diametti:

No. These things don't happen not here.

Isaac Allen Burns:

I mean, you are right. It hasn't happened here in, I don't think, ever.

Joe Diametti:

So Exactly. So how are we gonna stop it? And, Carol, if I find out you're working with them?

Isaac Allen Burns:

I would never. I don't like them. Just to be very clear, I mean, I don't know how you're gonna stop it exactly.

Joe Diametti:

And how can I trust you? I know we've had our differences, Carol. I mean,

Isaac Allen Burns:

Kapi, you know, you come in here a lot and you ask for fritters every day. I love fritters. And that can't be healthy for you.

Joe Diametti:

I work out a lot. I basically burn it off, like, instantly. Some say my metabolism might be better or best ever.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Right. I wasn't exactly talking about the fritters themselves. Oh. Gabby, you should just just take a walk. Just go home and sleep at night.

Isaac Allen Burns:

You know?

Isaac Allen Burns:

You can

Isaac Allen Burns:

talk about it later.

Joe Diametti:

Save the town, Carol.

Isaac Allen Burns:

You keep saying the town. I really don't look. I'm still on the clock. I don't have time to hash this out with you right now.

Joe Diametti:

Alright, Carol. Just know that I'm my eyes are on you. Okay? And then I leave, and I head directly to Alright. Bye, darling.

Joe Diametti:

I head directly to cut back.

Isaac Allen Burns:

I just look. Okay. I had to say I had to choose between someone I really, really liked or

Isaac Allen Burns:

be able

Isaac Allen Burns:

to run this business. And I picked I picked my career over my love life, and I think ever since I just feel terrible. He comes in every day, and he's he's so awkward. And it's so cute. And I don't know what to do because I'm working.

Isaac Allen Burns:

So I'm in an awkward place. So you probably think I hate him, but I just don't know what to do. And I,

Isaac Allen Burns:

oh, so

Isaac Allen Burns:

I will be. Oh, I can't even enjoy it's got they're basically leaving after the first day of the owl festival. And is it some kind of business relationship? I just don't know.

Rowan Collins:

Oh, Scarlet. This is really hard. You should tell about how you feel.

Annie Hawthorne:

You should, and it doesn't really seem like you have that much to

Isaac Allen Burns:

lose anymore. I mean, but if I if my father cuts me off, I'll have basically nothing.

Annie Hawthorne:

You'll have us.

Rowan Collins:

You'll have us. Scarlet, look me on the eye right now and tell me that you don't think that if you told Kapi how much you loved him, that he would whisk you away from this town faster than you could say apple.

Isaac Allen Burns:

She thinks for a second.

Joe Diametti:

Cut to. Kathy burst through the library. Listen, librarian. Oh, hello.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Don't think that I'm here to whisk you away

Isaac Allen Burns:

and take it to fucking apple.

Joe Diametti:

There's something going on here, and you're gonna tell me what it is. Oh. You think I don't know you have secrets? You think I don't know that there's secrets in these books? Just because I don't like to read them doesn't mean I don't know that there's secrets in these books.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Oh, well, a girl's got a lot of secrets now.

Joe Diametti:

Yes. So you're gonna You're gonna tell me what you know.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Well, I'll tell you this much. You know, the general of the Vol'Dain army about two hundred years ago, he was quite a looker. You know, I was a

Joe Diametti:

soldier once. Two hundred years ago?

Isaac Allen Burns:

I'm old. Yeah. I'm really old for a fun. You know, there was, you know, there was one of the many wars with between Vol'Dane and Armada. I can't remember quite how long ago it was.

Isaac Allen Burns:

You remember when, you know, those pirates started, their own little country. It was a whole thing between them. I was actually a name. I I was actually a Librarian?

Joe Diametti:

I could get lost in your eyes as you rattle on about history all day. However, what is going on in this town?

Isaac Allen Burns:

Oh, like, what do you mean? Do you mean what's going on?

Joe Diametti:

I mean I mean I mean, remember the, remember the the the episode across the street

Isaac Allen Burns:

a little yesterday? That, that sort of stranger that came in and talked to Crank in a really, cringey way last week. Yeah. He busted out of a window. K.

Joe Diametti:

I missed that part. However Yeah. Yeah. He he was setting us up. There's something going on in this town.

Joe Diametti:

I need I need to know what do you know. Okay?

Isaac Allen Burns:

What I know?

Joe Diametti:

Yeah. What do you know?

Isaac Allen Burns:

Well, I do know this. Mayraisins, you know, a lot of people have a lot of things to say about Mayraisins.

Joe Diametti:

Back to it.

Isaac Allen Burns:

We cut back. I don't I just where

Isaac Allen Burns:

would we even go? I don't

Annie Hawthorne:

I You could go anywhere. The world's a big place.

Isaac Allen Burns:

I need to have a I like having a plan.

Annie Hawthorne:

You could come to Polaris with me.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Polaris is so far away. I can't do magic.

Annie Hawthorne:

Well, neither can I, but I'm learning? We can learn together. I

Isaac Allen Burns:

Okay. I this was helpful for me and able to get things off my chest, but I don't I think I more just needed someone to cry to. I don't know if I'm in a solution oriented mindset right now. I just okay. Alright.

Isaac Allen Burns:

I'm gonna work today. The Apple Festival is in only a few days.

Rowan Collins:

Scarlett, what can we try and talk to your dad at least?

Isaac Allen Burns:

No. Don't do that.

Rowan Collins:


Isaac Allen Burns:

Oh, don't don't do that. He doesn't. It's talking to my father is not a good idea unless you are here to invest. He's tough. He's he's he doesn't see the world as people and communities.

Isaac Allen Burns:

He just sees, you know, profit streams and money.

Annie Hawthorne:

This is a weird place for him to be concerned about money.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Well, he owns all the orchards. It's been very lucrative for him. You know, they even hired a few people to come in and do tests on the apples to see if they could do different strains. I mean, that's

Annie Hawthorne:

I don't really understand what it is about apples. I wish that I could taste one.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Look. Thank you, you guys. I really appreciate it. I'm gonna go back in there. I think I've gotten a lot off my chest.

Isaac Allen Burns:

I would love to think about, since it seems I only have a few more days here. I'm gonna do the best I can. So have fun with the stale pastries. I'd again, I appreciate because they we get charged for every pile of trash that we have to throw away in the landfill, so you really helped me out by offloading a lot of this trash. So thank I do thank you for that, Craig.

Isaac Allen Burns:

And just remember, just again, I'm being so serious. Look at me, pistachio. I don't don't tell Kathy anything I said.

Rowan Collins:

I would I, wouldn't dare tell Kathy.

Isaac Allen Burns:

And she nods, and she closes the door.

Rowan Collins:

How do we not tell Kathy everything?

Annie Hawthorne:

Oh, she didn't tell me not to tell Kathy.

Rowan Collins:

Oh, that's true.

Isaac Allen Burns:

That little loophole. Oh, Kathy, you are walking down the street, and you pass by the bakery again, and you see your two companions at the back of the bakery.

Joe Diametti:


Annie Hawthorne:

Oh, hi, Kapi.

Joe Diametti:

Is that true?

Annie Hawthorne:

We've been looking for you everywhere.

Rowan Collins:

I brought you your apple fritters.

Joe Diametti:

Oh, hey. Thanks, kid.

Rowan Collins:

You're welcome. They're fresh.

Joe Diametti:

Thank you. And he takes a bite and instantly knows, but recognizes you're doing something nice. So he's like,

Annie Hawthorne:

Apparently, these are stale, but I don't know what that means. But everyone seems to like them when I get them to them. So

Joe Diametti:

Yeah. What are you guys doing behind the bakery?

Rowan Collins:

We were getting pastries. Yes. We were getting the pastries. Scarlet.

Joe Diametti:

Oh. Oh. Scarlet? Yeah. So you saw Scarlet?

Annie Hawthorne:

She's very sad.

Joe Diametti:

She's sad. Why is she sad?

Annie Hawthorne:

Because she hasn't seen your face today.

Rowan Collins:

It is true. She it is true. She hasn't seen your face today. That is a great point. She has not seen your face today, and that is why she's sad.

Joe Diametti:

Okay. Alright. This is you guys have weird energy. I just wanna be clear. Weird energy.

Rowan Collins:

I was up past 10PM, so that's why.

Joe Diametti:

Got it. While while listen, I will I will check on Scarlet later. Right now, we are working on something bigger. Remember last night when I was telling you about the conspiracy? Yeah.

Joe Diametti:

That's obviously happening in this town, right, Craig? Because acid burrows aren't here. Right?

Rowan Collins:


Isaac Allen Burns:


Rowan Collins:


Joe Diametti:

Right. Uh-huh. So here's what we need. I already grilled Carol.

Rowan Collins:


Joe Diametti:

I already grilled them. I already grilled Carol, and I already grilled the librarian.

Rowan Collins:


Joe Diametti:


Annie Hawthorne:

Uh-huh. You grilled my mother. Why would you do such a thing? My mother isn't food.

Rowan Collins:

Not grilled as in, like, like, put heat to her, but, like, grilled doesn't talk to her. Oh.

Joe Diametti:

Oh. That's interesting. Yeah. I questioned her.

Rowan Collins:

I'm really proud you know that word, Kathy. Grilled? Yeah.

Joe Diametti:

Okay. So anyways, we all need to go to the next target, which is

Rowan Collins:


Joe Diametti:

What was the name, Ash?

Rowan Collins:

Ash. Ash.

Joe Diametti:

Ash. We need to go see Ash.

Annie Hawthorne:

Do we know where to find Ash?

Joe Diametti:

Yes. Do I know where to find Ash?

Isaac Allen Burns:

You have no idea.

Joe Diametti:

He asks into the ether. No?

Isaac Allen Burns:

Yeah. You have no idea. You could check one of the taverns or inns.

Rowan Collins:

Oh, yeah. For sure. I do think, though, Kathy, you should at least say hi to Scarlet Day.

Joe Diametti:

Pistachio, I, I appreciate what you're doing, but we need to save the Apple Festival.

Rowan Collins:

IBD. Yes.

Joe Diametti:

We need this is number one priority.

Rowan Collins:

Oh, but but

Joe Diametti:

You are my cadet.

Rowan Collins:

You're right. Yes, sir.

Joe Diametti:

This is our mission. Our mission is to save the Apple Festival, save the town wait a minute. Save the Scarlet, Save the Apple Festival. Save the world. Yes.

Rowan Collins:


Joe Diametti:

Perfect. So we need to go find Ash.

Rowan Collins:

Yes. Let's go find Ash.

Joe Diametti:

Let's go check the tavern. Okay.

Isaac Allen Burns:

You go into the tavern and you see Miles, the bartender behind the bar. Oh, hi, Miles. Hey. What's up? What's up, everybody?

Isaac Allen Burns:

It's me, Miles.

Rowan Collins:

Hey. I would ask for my regular, but we're on a mission.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Oh, okay. How can I He puts the milk away?

Rowan Collins:

Oh, thank you. Keep it cold for me.

Isaac Allen Burns:

You know it.

Rowan Collins:

Have you seen a blue guy?

Isaac Allen Burns:

He looks at Kapi

Rowan Collins:

With hoards.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Oh, with horns. Oh.

Rowan Collins:

Yeah. Kapi doesn't have horns.

Isaac Allen Burns:

You know, it's funny you mentioned that actually because so remember, like, yesterday, some point y'all were in here last, and you were talking to those two peacekeepers. Uh-huh. You know what I mean? You know, it's I remember this. Uh-huh.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Yeah. Kapi was really risen up one of them. And the four y'all left and the one dude stayed here and just kinda like nursed back one of the drinks. We were talking. He's pretty cool guy.

Isaac Allen Burns:

He's from the, you know, he's not from Bracken Roads. He's asking, like, what do people do around here? And like all this different stuff. I was telling him, well, people like to fish in the stream. You know, some people like to run around and kick rocks.

Rowan Collins:

That is what we call it. Yep.

Isaac Allen Burns:

So, but then eventually, like, you know, this guy came in. He had blue horns and all, and he started talking. And he was really, like, getting under his skin. He was really getting under his skin as I was the peacekeepers name. Mhmm.

Isaac Allen Burns:


Isaac Allen Burns:

next thing I know, like, they take it outside. They get in a tussle and, the blue guy breaks his leg. Like blue guy just straight up, like he broke his leg. It was a real cool move. Like, Nathaniel was like, he was doing, he was like kind of boxing him.

Isaac Allen Burns:

He was kind of using his feet and the dude was just kind of like dodging his blows really easy. And it was, like, a flash of movement. And next thing I know, the dude has got his leg in his hands, and I hear a loud snap as his Stathaniel, like, goes down. He's, like, holding his leg and crying. That was crazy.

Joe Diametti:


Isaac Allen Burns:

Yes. Nathaniel. His leg got broken. He kinda laid in the ground crying for a while. And then, like, Nephena the other one, Nephena, because I know her name because she ordered a daiquiri, came over, and was tending to him.

Isaac Allen Burns:

And, like, I asked, like, yo, is everything okay? And Nefanie looked up at me. He was like, oh, he was right. And then just started dragging Stithaniel away. And so they went to the barracks.

Joe Diametti:

Wait a minute. When was this?

Isaac Allen Burns:

Hey, it's me, your GM, Isaac Allen Burns. Most of the time, I'm here to talk about mechanics, but here I just wanna set a a like a recap reminder. If you recall, after your scuffle with Sebastian, you had, Kapi had said, oh, it's a distraction Mhmm. To which Nephenny then left, and then y'all went to the acid burrowing.

Joe Diametti:


Isaac Allen Burns:

So Nefanie had left y'all. You think and you believe, just to be clear, in case any of you had suspicion that Miles is lying, you have you think that perhaps after she left, she came back here and saw Stadania with a broken leg. That's why you haven't seen either of them today.

Rowan Collins:

Oh, gosh. Well

Joe Diametti:

So should we go to the infirmary?

Rowan Collins:

They're at the barracks, I think.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Okay. Alright, Miles. No problem. Go. See you tonight.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Yeah. Hey. Successful vision.

Rowan Collins:


Isaac Allen Burns:

Mhmm. He, goes back in. And that's where we're gonna end our episode, everybody. So we're gonna end this session of DodoBorne! Womp womp. On the way to the barracks on the yellow brick road or rather the dirty cobblestone road because that's the kind of roads.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Hey, gang. Before we go, just wanna shout out a couple of people, both in the Daggerheart space and in our space. First of all, shout out to at DodoBorne underscore fan art on Instagram and wherever you get your socials. They've been conglomerating a bunch of really awesome fan art of this podcast, which is amazing.

Joe Diametti:

It's really great.

Isaac Allen Burns:

It's so great.

Rowan Collins:

And, also, told us about a fan fiction?

Joe Diametti:

Yeah. There's a fan fiction.

Isaac Allen Burns:

There's a fan fiction.

Rowan Collins:

Go check

Isaac Allen Burns:

it out.

Rowan Collins:

We can all say that it is very much in character if you need more, DodoBorne stuff. Yes. Shout out to that.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Shout out. Yeah. Shout out to them. Incredible. Amazing.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Also wanna shout out the Delve with Hope blog that you can find online. They have a really, they have a lot of awesome articles about dagger heart. My favorite currently is the one where they delved into the math behind two d 12 versus one d 20. Super awesome stuff there. Go check them out.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Also wanna shout out blade bound saga on YouTube. They've been really great about posting changes to the rules and other updates to dagger heart. So if you are interested in following the development of this, definitely go check them out. They've been super awesome. Shout out to all those people.

Isaac Allen Burns:

And once again, if you like what you're listening to, definitely give a shout out, give us a five star reviews on apple podcasts, wherever you get your podcasts. It really goes a long way to helping us out. Thank you so much for listening. We love it. Tell your friends, tell your family, tell your coworkers, tell, your neighbors, tell anybody you meet on the elevator or the bus or the subway.

Joe Diametti:

We're cutting that. Okay. We're cutting that on that one.

Isaac Allen Burns:

Anyways, tell everybody you can. Tell your friends. Tell everybody word-of-mouth really goes a long way to helping us out. Five star reviews also go a really long way. So just tell us what you think, if it's positive.

Isaac Allen Burns:

And that's where we will leave off with our DodoBornes today, everybody. Squawk on three. One, two, three. Squawk. Hey.

Isaac Allen Burns:

It's a podcast.

1.7 the Dreams of Adventurers
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